Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

Just another Blogtown NZ site

It Begins.


Well, hello there.

Welcome one, welcome all, to the Day One of the Journey of Awesomeness. Today has been busy, deciding to take the bull by the horns and become accountable for the portlyness that has become my waistline. I have decided to finally make a proper effort, pay attention to input and output, and get healthy.

I am making a blog so I am accountable (even if it is just to someone living in an obscure wee country – hello!) for my actions – I plan on reporting weekly, but it may be more frequent. Who knows, this is my first attempt at one of these things.

So, I think it fitting to start with some statistics.

Weight: 129.2kg (holy crap!)
Bust: 133cm
Waist: 126cm
Hips: 147cm
Upper Arm: 46cm
Thigh: 80cm

And some goals. I know that the weight needs to come off slowly to stay off, so I am thinking that between 500 grams and 1kg per week is realistic. I want to be able to achieve goals to keep myself motivated. I don’t have a goal weight in mind – I think if I can do 3kg by the end of the month then that is a start. Will review at the end of August.

So, how to attack this:

Food – I eat fairly healthily, but I definitely need to look at portion control. I have decided one or two treats per week will be the go.

Exercise: Here we go. Mondays – AquaFit Class. Tuesdays – 2.5km walk (to the end of the road and back). Wednesdays – AqusFit Class. Thursdays – Gym. Fridays – Swim. Saturdays – Zumba Class. Sundays – The Day Off.

So, today is Monday. I have been to the Aquafit Class. My arms hurt so it must have done something! Next class – up the intensity.

Weeee! Skinnyness here I come!!

7 Comments to

“It Begins.”

  1. thetrolls August 9th, 2010 at 9:34 pm      Reply John Says:

    Hey Kristina… Awesome – Go for it girl

    There was an article on the net about rapid weightloss being more sustainable as the goals are shorter and the results are rapid and therefore more motivational. But what works for you is what counts.
    I will be checking regularly to see your progress.
    Love you
    P.S. I will show mum your blog.

  2. godessakaheidi August 10th, 2010 at 9:43 pm      Reply Heidi Says:

    I love it Stella- well done you…3kgs is gonna be so easy for you.
    I guess this means lunch out on Girl day has to be something healthy- thats good…I need to eat better too. Dang my obsession with hot chips! Dang it all to hell.

    I hereby committ to supporting and encouraging you on yur journey to glory.

    Love you lots.

    Misty xx

  3. thetrolls August 14th, 2010 at 2:16 am      Reply Grandma Says:

    Hello Krissy
    Great to hear your news. good on you keep upthe good work. I look forward to following your progress every week nwhen we visit mum and dad.
    Lots of love Grandma.

  4. thetrolls August 14th, 2010 at 2:30 am      Reply Lynn Says:

    Hi Krissy,

    Good on you for taking charge of your weight and doing positive things ahout it. No more cakes, bikkies or lollies ah. Keep it up and you will achieve your goal. Hope you enjoyed the sumba today. I will be keeping an eye on you and your watching your progress. Go girl!!!!!

    Love mum xxxxxooooo

  5. thetrolls August 14th, 2010 at 7:51 am      Reply Lynn Says:

    Hi Krissy

    Really glad that you enjoyed Zumba – they say people who go just love it and that it is addictive. Hope you had a healthy dinner.

    Love mum

  6. thetrolls August 15th, 2010 at 6:57 am      Reply Lynn Says:


    Fantastic results which should be really encouraging. New look pages look good too. Amazing what 1.4 kg looks like as a grocery item.


  7. thetrolls August 16th, 2010 at 8:19 am      Reply Lynn Says:

    Hi, Glad to see another good day on the regime and that you were a ‘speed machine” at aqua aerobics. Enjoy your day tomorrow on the road to slimness.

    Love mum

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