Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

Just another Blogtown NZ site

Day Five – Still Going Strong


Good evening everyone.

Well, I am into Day Five and all is going well. Today was meant to be swimming day, but I wasn’t able to get in early enough to go as I had some errands to run, and there is no pool space available when I finished work. Never mind, the eating is still going well (I have cut out pretty much all badness!) – I have discovered a yummy Kellogs Museli that keeps me going until about 2pm (with a pirce of fruit snack), and had a garden salad for lunch (no mayo, just a balsamic vinegar dressing). Chicken and veges for dinner – Thanks Alex! I had one Toffee Pop today… oddly enough one was enough, I didn’t feel any need to have a second – helloooooo portion control!

Anywho. I’m going to Zumba tomorrow which is an hour long session, so that should get the blood pumping (rock hard abs of steel here I come) – will report back tomorrow night!

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