Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
Today started badly. Waffles for breakfast (thanks to the website for the AWESOME recipe!), complete with icecream, bananas, maple syrup and a touch of cream. However I did only eat one waffle, with only a little of the naughty toppings.
Zumba followed that – I shimmied and shook and wobbled and flapped for an hour of high intensity!
Mum shouted lunch – a chicken and salad roll, but with half a custard square and half of some sort of delicious chocolate toasty slice complete with the most glorious marshmallow.
Dinner was a bit better. Roast lamb and veges, but I admit there was some cheese sauce atop of the broccy-cauli segment of the meal.
AND there was pudding (which I haven’t had in ages) – tinned peaches and more icecream.
I do not feel good about this. But I have been good now for a whole two weeks, so today was a bit of a treat. There shall be a walk tomorrow before weigh in and measurements (eeek!). I’m hoping to be minus another kilogram since I have really tried quite hard this week with three water sessions, zumba and some power-housework.
Time will tell.
Also, I thought I should share the following with you – I found it while searching for confessional pictures. Apparently he is some kind of Pope equivalent and I do love his hair!