Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

Just another Blogtown NZ site

Week Three…


Hello, me legion of royal fans!

Nothing fun to report today. I went to Aquarobics last night, and got some speedrash again (actually I think it might be a bit of chlorine rash). I didn’t manage to go for a walk today (Grandma and Grandad popped in for a cup of tea), but back on the wagon tomorrow at aquarobics. I’m also going to make an appointment at the gym and get a bit of guidance about which machines to use, and then I can go and use some stuff properly. Neat fun!

by posted under Weightloss | 1 Comment »
One Comment to

“Week Three…”

  1. thetrolls September 9th, 2010 at 5:20 am      Reply lynn Says:

    Hello, fingers crossed it sounds as though you are on the up and up and can get cracking again at Zumba on Saturday. Haven’t seen Fiona yet to ask about Zumba here, but am keeping an eye ou


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