Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

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Dr Jones, Dr Jones, Calling Dr Jones…


Why oh why must I be subjected to such tunes from the 1990’s as Dr Jones, Barbie Girl and Candy Man during aquarobics classes. This is now two different instructors BOTH with the same music (don’t get me wrong, LOVE the classes, just not the same music!).

So yes, went to aqua last night, and am feeling the burn today! I must admit last night I thought the workout wasn’t as brutal as usual – turns out it was! My legs are feeling a bit stiff today, and so are my batflaps!

Alex noted last night that my bum is getting smaller, along with my puku (which is good!). Looking forward to Zumba this Saturday. Ooh I heard last night from a lady that they might do a Zumba class in the water. What fun that would be!

3 Comments to

“Dr Jones, Dr Jones, Calling Dr Jones…”

  1. godessakaheidi August 26th, 2010 at 12:07 am      Reply Heidi aka Misty Says:

    I’m BAAACK!!!! Turns out I wasnt blocked after all!

    Anyway- well done you 3kgs!!! That is awesome!!!!!

    Dont worry about your day devil woship! You have been so so good with everythign else.

    V Proud of you Stells :-)

    See you soooooon for G day! xxx

  2. kooky40 August 26th, 2010 at 6:34 am      Reply kristina Says:

    I know – now I just have to sort the long term goal, but I am having a bit of trouble as the number of kg’s to lose is LARGE and admitting it feels a bit weird.

    But I am thinking 70kg is a good place to get to, just in small chunks… like when I get to 10kg I am going to do something nice for myself.

    Oo what brand of corn thins do you have?

  3. godessakaheidi August 26th, 2010 at 9:39 pm      Reply Heidi aka Misty Says:

    I can no longer tell you as I finished them yesterday- but I will buy more today…def yum…not cardboard.

    Also about the almonds thing…do you remember our cooking teacher saying that 4 almonds have your complete daily calcium needs? super nuts lol

    Lol Maxine (the older lady I work) is on the phone and just yelled out “well whats your number? Fool!” she sounded like she was gonna cook some fools lol

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