Carrot Sticks and Corn Thins
And almonds. And ham with salad sandwiches. Muesli. Porridge with banana and skinny milk. Lots of water.
No lollies or cake or chocolate or chips or anything too naughty this week! In fact the worst thing has been a chocolate chip biscuit (just the one) with a hot chocolate last night.
Eating more wisely is getting easier. And considering that it’s easy to go and buy a $2 choccy bar from the cafe at work, that’s not an easy thing to say! I like sweet things though, and I think having a hot chocolate before bed is squashing out the other cravings for food from the Dark Side.
I do miss such things as M and M’s though (but, did you know, to burn off the energy from one chocolate MnM, you need to walk the distance of a football field? Which thanks to Google is about 95 metres long. Thanks Misty!). Not as much as I thought. I was thinking maybe my treat this week would be a small bag of them, but not if I have to walk almost 5km to burn them off! I don’t think so!
Wow its surprising how satisfying just looking at them can be?
Well done Girlfriend…you have already made some awesome achievements!
Very glad to see you are back into it with a hiss and roar. Fancy dreaming about cupcakes, they are now on the dark side of life like all the other goodies, unfortunately! Hopefully your cough won’t be too much of a nuisance.
Love Lynn