Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

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Speed Wobbles Strike Again!


Hello everyone.

I have two nice speed marks on my upper arms again – I must be about to set my togs on fire with the rate of today’s aqua class! We had the Steamers (a rugby team) join us today for a frolic in the pool which was a bit different.

Feeling a bit off today with a sore throat, headache and sore joints, hope I’m not coming down with anything….

by posted under Weightloss | 1 Comment »
One Comment to

“Speed Wobbles Strike Again!”

  1. thetrolls September 15th, 2010 at 4:49 am      Reply lynn Says:

    HI, what’s wong with the bran and sultanas????

    Sounds like you will be seeing the sunrise on your walks like me. I m going at 6.00 am at the moment, really nice time of day.

    Keep it going.


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