Was actually a really good class… I sweated like I have never sweated before!
Today Alex and I are going for an aquajog (and a shower, apparently our pump is a bit bung, being fixed in a couple of days, but in the meanwhile we have to take it easy on the water).
Tomorrow I am planning on doing BodyVive and Zumba one after the other. I say planning on because last night I started to feel a bit off and this morning I have a headache, blocked nose, sore throat (grrr!) – just what I needed for the holiday!
Last night was Meatless Monday. We had a green salad (with veges from the garden!) and an omlette with mushroom, onion, a little bit of potato and a touch of cheese. Was yummy!
Sounds yum as!
What is BodyVive?
It’s a Les Mills class. We do stuff with balls and stretchy rope things, lots of cardio, and then some yoga/pilates/tai chi type stuff. Good times!
Hi, Bodyvive sounds real good and would get things moving along by the sounds. Hopefully your headache etc wont come to anyhing – get stuck into the silver. Terrible weather here, real cold and blew my brolli inside out yesterday and supposed to be worse tomorrow but my walk will still happen real, hail or shine. Had a hailstorm last night, coud scoop up handfulls from the concrete outside your bedroom window.
Love mum