Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

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2.5km Walk


Done and dusted.

Tomorrow is aqua day, however I am going to go for a walk tomorrow morning (I might even get up at 6.30am!) – but tonight is a late one at work so we will see. It might have to be a 7am start instead.

Feeling a little better each day and am looking forward to getting the skipping rope! Cardio here I come!

2 Comments to

“2.5km Walk”

  1. thetrolls October 20th, 2010 at 6:35 am      Reply Me Says:

    Hi Grover…

    Awesome progress and committment… Way to go.

    Here is an interesting link to read that you may like :-)

  2. thetrolls October 20th, 2010 at 7:23 am      Reply lynn Says:

    The skipping rope is in transit and I was glad to read that it is going to be used several times a day – glad I got a good one. I had a good walk this morning. I hope you get up and manage to get a walk in in the morning. Hope you (and Alex) enjoyed your meatless meal (we had slow cook venison in lots of disguise). Hope the skipping rope arrives on Thursday.

    Love mum

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