5km Walk!
Good evening all.
I have just done the Breast Cancer 4.5km walk (it would be more like 5.5km with the walking back to the car) with some girls from work. Very fun, I had some DANGEROUS boobies (thanks to my laminated paper cones) that kept poking various people. Some people had gone to a whole lot of effort for their costumes – although ours weren’t too bad since we only planned this today and had lunchtime to make our costumes. Next year we will be far more organised!
Tomorrow I am starting work early, but will take my togs and go for a swim after work if the pool isn’t too busy.
Then there is only Friday, and then there is Zumba! Back on track!
And Dad – thanks for the article, though I am now so healthy I have been buying the magazine it came out of
Hi Madonna
Hows those boobies, what a hoot, it would have been such fun to see you all decked out in your costumes and it sounded like real fun. Good on you all. Lots of exercse this week which is real good. Babs told a patient who is on a weight reduction programme to have smaller portions at your evening meal as you dont burn that meal off like you do with your breakfast and lunch – makes sense.
Love mum
Hi five to you and your bosums for doing the walk…
That remidns me I put my name down for the round the bridges fun run at the end of november. I havent been very good lately- but I HAVE been getting up at 6:30 to do a few minutes of high speed and low speed exercylcling…challenge the heart a wee bit. Got to get my fitness up. and I scored a good predometer from work…and I ALWAYS run as fast as I can up teh stairs at work and clench my butt.
LOL…anyway if forgot how inspiring you are to me- so keep up with the daily blogs thank you and start dishing out some good low fat food advice and ways to beat those cravings…I read that article but got bored- it was mega long lol…can you make up a easy version?
I have to beat mum at biggest loser come christmas.
Hi five to you and your bosums for doing the walk…
That reminds me I put my name down for the round the bridges fun run at the end of november. I haven’t been very good lately- but I HAVE been getting up at 6:30 to do a few minutes of high speed and low speed exercylcling…challenge the heart a wee bit. Got to get my fitness up. and I scored a good pedometer from work…and I ALWAYS run as fast as I can up the stairs at work and clench my butttt.
LOL…anyway if forgot how inspiring you are to me- so keep up with the daily blogs thank you and start dishing out some good low fat food advice and ways to beat those cravings…I read that article but got bored- it was mega long lol…can you make up a easy version?
I have to beat mum at biggest loser come christmas
I did this twice for bad spelling reasons and I forgot to do the anti-spam word
lol. it’s all good. i will condense for you, and then giving some good advice!