Week 24
So I am still being very well behaved… eating very well – although I am trying to work out what made me feel so very sluggish yesterday afternoon – food diary yesterday was rice bubbles, pears and milk for breakfast, an orange for morning tea, a salad sandwich for lunch, a pear and two rice thins for afternoon tea and a burger (home made, lots of salady goodness) for dinner. Nothing too weird, but man, was I feeling it – maybe this is what they say it feels like to be bloated. Anyway, I did not like it, not one bit!
I’m going well on the exercise this week too – a walk and Balance on Monday, the gym on Tuesday and aqua last night. I am missing a swim this morning as I am quite tired and taking a recovery day, but will be back to the gym tomorrow.
Might start the caveman diet next week… will see what happens.
Funny you should say about the caveman diet as I came across an article in the Woman’s Day called “Back to the stone age”. Basically, it said to move like a cavewoman i.e. they had plenty of exercise for their survival (gathering food, carrying water etc), eat what can be found in nature – fish, lean meat, fresh fruit and veges and nuts which are much easier to digest for primates than processed foods, eat a big breakfast, medium lunch and smaller dinner with two snacks during the day and one very small snack at night befoe 9 .00pm. What do you think of all that? Hope your sluggishness has departed.\
Love mum