Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

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Marathon Madness!


So, at our group meeting at work, my manager brought up how he was doing a half marathon, and he’d like our team to join in. There is a 5km walk or run, 10km walk or run and then the half marathon. I am in the process of rounding up the troops, and we have decided to do the 10km walk. It’s quite a long trek!

So I am officially training for my first official event. We get trackers to wear (so they know our times) – fancy! So far I have around 8 girls from work wanting to participate. And best of all, work is paying our entry fees, as it’s a team building activity.

3 Comments to

“Marathon Madness!”

  1. thetrolls March 24th, 2011 at 10:47 pm      Reply lynn Says:

    Hi, has the treadmill been going round over the last couple of days? I hope so and that the meter was set for 5 kms mor more!!!!! The marathon sounds good – a good thing to work towards fitness wise. I am just pounding the pavements in the dark still – nearly got eaten by a big black dog yesterday morning and had to high tail it back the wazy I came at great speed. Luckily this morning he was no where to be seen. tht’s where treadmills are good and you cant get eaten up!! Anywy, keep up the kms. Love mum

  2. godessakaheidi March 27th, 2011 at 8:03 pm      Reply loveheidi Says:

    Hi Stini! That is a long walk indeed- our work does the same thing- pays for us and gives us a cool shirt etc. Its really good to do it in a team- and those trackers a great because they are down to the second- so you can try and beat your time next year. I want to start training for this years one- which is in October I think. Let us know what your training plan is!! xx

  3. thetrolls March 27th, 2011 at 9:26 pm      Reply Dad Says:

    And are you going to do the 10 Km or only part of it?

    Awesome Idea though… Full marathons look out!

    I cannot see any figures for the butter equivelent lost… You should include these in every post so we (and you) can follow your progress and encourage you. 8 months will go so quickly.
    I read an idea that said to put nicotine in salads… then we would all be addicted to good foods. LOL

    Love you

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