Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

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And Walk I Did…


Good morning!

I have been for about a 1.5km walk this morning (I got up at 6.30am, got the washing in because it was spitting and then went walking) – only got just over halfway as it started raining quite hard (admittedly though I did have a jacket, hat and mittens on). I have also discovered a place where I can forage for free cow manure for the vege garden. Helloooo mega pumpkins!

I am having bran flakes again this morning, as I type. Today I have some strawberry yoghurt with them, makes them slightly more edible.

3 Comments to

“And Walk I Did…”

  1. thetrolls September 16th, 2010 at 4:44 am      Reply Dad Says:

    Hi Grover…

    Well done, I’m proud of you for sticking to your guns… and up at 6.30am is impressive too. Did you like that time of the morning?

    Jingoes, there has to be something better than bran flakes – how about albran? or special K, or something? It has to be something nice for you to be still eating it in 6 months time ;-)

    love you
    Big hug

  2. kooky40 September 16th, 2010 at 8:05 pm      Reply kristina Says:

    I did not really care for 6.30am (so much so I slept through my alarm this morning!).

    Bran Flakes are getting a bit better, this morning I am having them with raspberries and it’s quite edible. The Bran Flakes were on special so must eat them now! :D

  3. godessakaheidi September 16th, 2010 at 10:23 pm      Reply Heidi aka Misty Says:

    Yee hoo look at you go! Wish I could go out for walks with you, always more fun and quicker when you are chatting away!

    HAHAHA cow manure!!…Guess what!!…Last night Mark came home early and raced inside like a whirling dervish (thats from sound of music) and he says – “What the hecks going on there are cows everywhere!!”

    I didnt know it, but the cows got out from the paddock Waayyy down the road and came to visit us, they were all over our tiny little back yard! right up to the back door – I opened it and hit one lol…heck they ripped the lawn to shreds – but shat everywhere…so I guess I can use that in the vege patch, I hope they ate away the crappy old veges from last year!

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