Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

Just another Blogtown NZ site

Week Nine


Hello everyone.

Week nine has been good to date.

Monday: Went to Aqua and did some furiousness. We had vegetarian pizza for dinner (Meatless Monday strikes!) which we agreed was quite good. Bit weird without any meat, but we would have it again.

Tuesday: 2.5km walk, plus healthy eating.

Tonight (Wednesday) – I have had to cancel my gym appointment as I have been invited to a memorial for Sam (a girl who died at Easter this year) – today would be her 16th birthday so I think for her Mum’s sake I should go. If I went after the gym I would be in no way functioning tomorrow for work.

I get next week off (yay!), and an going to take the opportunity to do some gym classes I can’t done before. And on Wednesday next week I might do two classes in a row. Eeek!

by posted under Weightloss | 1 Comment »
One Comment to

“Week Nine”

  1. thetrolls October 6th, 2010 at 6:02 pm      Reply lynn Says:

    Hi, sounds like things are going good in the diet department. Good idea to do some gymming next week, do you have another appointment with the gym lady? Nothing exciting this end only walking at 5.50 am and seeiing the sunrise over the hill at Wainui (photo of this was on the TV weather last night) and the same again today – really lovely. Still on my 400 rows. Anyway, keepup the good work.

    Love mum

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