Week Ten
Hello One and All.
I apologise for there not being many updates this week, for I have been sick (again). Some sort of nasty head/chest cold. Which, annoyingly, happened to strike on my week of holiday – a week I had such grand plans for!
I have not expected any great results this week. Monday I managed BodyVive, Tuesday I went for an Aquajog, Wednesday through Friday were out with sickness. Yesterday we went to Heather and Bernie’s (Alex’s parents) out at Tanner’s Point. I kayaked out the longline (only got one sprat), then we put the line out again from a different spot, which involved much walking up and down steps as well as walking up and down the beach. So I haven’t done too much in the way of exercise this week.
Weight: 123.9kg
Bust: 124cm
Waist: 115cm
Hips: 137cm
Upper Arm: 44cm
Thigh: 71cm
The only difference this week is 1cm from my thigh. Not too upset about this, but it does go to show what a difference high intensity workouts (e.g. Zumba) do for you.
At Dad’s request, here is my fat percentage: 43.3% (thanks, magical scales).
Tomorrow I am back at work, and back into aquarobics. This week just gone I was hoping to get into a better routine for exercise, with a walk in the mornings, but it hasn’t happened, so I am thinking if the rain stays away I will get up earlier and go fr a morning walk, and then do something in the evenings (e.g. Aquarobics, gym). We shall see.
Hi, as promised I went shopping this morning and found you a good quality skipping rope. Like you say, they seem to be few and far between. At the $2 shop they only have kids ones and I wanted to get you one with ball bearings in the handle. I will get it sent off as soon as possible and by the way, it has a secret remote counter which will let me know whether it is getting a work out or not. I remember reading somewhere that even doing, say, 50 skips two or three times a day to start with and then building up the number is just as beneficial as doing 100 skips or so all at the one time. I hope it works well for you. Hope you are feeling b etter and are back into it this. Like you say, it seems that exercise as well as watching your food intake are vial to maintaining weight loss and keeping it off. I did my usual this morning, it was lovely at 6.30 am with the sunrise just comng up over the hilll and I will be ding my 400 rows later on. Keep it up.
Love mum