Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

Just another Blogtown NZ site

The Healthyness Continues…


Good evening.

Goodness me what a healthy day it has been today!

Food Diary:
Breakfast – the Hubbard’s Real cereal
Snack – 2 corn thins
Lunch – Salad, consisting of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, an egg, chickpeas, capsicum and a bit of hummus
Snack – an apple
Pre-gym snack – a banana
Dinner – chicken sausages, kumara and parsnip mash, peas and corn
Pudding (yes, I know) – a square of Macadamia nut chocolate.

After work I went to balance and worked my abs more. It’s a funny sensation with them there… like there is actually something happening down in there!

Tomorrow I am icing together the gingerbread house (will take a photo and post it here), and then going to the gym before work. Thank goodness for a 1pm start!

by posted under Weightloss | 1 Comment »
One Comment to

“The Healthyness Continues…”

  1. godessakaheidi November 8th, 2010 at 9:55 pm      Reply Heidi Says:

    God you are amazing! Super inspiring!! ANd WOW about the abs- that is so cool.

    I concur about the mixing up of the exercises…really good idea. I ran yesterday…nd actaulyl found it very easy…might try it again. Other than that my abs have finally stopped hurting enough to crack on again…I have developed tae-lates…tae bo and pilates…its yogariffic and hard core all at once!

    I cant afford the gym, and have no time for it – so i have to get creative at home!

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