Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

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Chicken for Heidi


Portuguese Chicken:

Take 8 chicky drums and roll in the delicious new seasoning pack from Continental! They come complete with roasting bag so there’s not even any hard baked on mess to clean at the end! You’ll find them in the supermarket by the McCormacks slow cooker packets and the Maggi mixes (not the dips but the cook in the pot ensemble).

Easy as and so delicious! We’ve had it a few times now and like it better not done in the bag (so the chicken turns this lovely red colour and is all sticky…. mmmm… sticky chicky….

Off to Zumba tomorrow – must have walked a good couple of k’s today with all the back and forth at work.


by posted under Weightloss | 1 Comment »
One Comment to

“Chicken for Heidi”

  1. thetrolls September 4th, 2010 at 5:34 am      Reply lynn Says:

    Hi, glad you are starting to feel better and will be back into it soon. There is an article in That’s Life about a girl who weighed 134.7 kg, has lost 19.4 kg in 11 weeks and is aiming for a weight of 69 kg and That’s Life will be doing a similar thing to wht you are doin so we can all watch her progress. The before and now photos of her are amazing after her 19.4 kg weight loss.


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