Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

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Bran Flakes and Sultanas


Doth not make a very nice breakfast!

2 Comments to

“Bran Flakes and Sultanas”

  1. godessakaheidi September 14th, 2010 at 9:09 pm      Reply Heidi aka Misty Says:

    well Dur!!

    high fives all round on your fabulous journey, you are doing amazingly!

    Big question…did you make our GDO bookings under Stella and Misty?????

  2. kooky40 September 15th, 2010 at 7:50 am      Reply kristina Says:

    Ahh! No! I forgot!!

    We will just have to confuse everyone by referring to ourselves as Misty and Stella… hahhahahah

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