
I confess.
Today started badly. Waffles for breakfast (thanks to the website for the AWESOME recipe!), complete with icecream, bananas, maple syrup and a touch of cream. However I did only eat one waffle, with only a little of the naughty toppings.
Zumba followed that – I shimmied and shook and wobbled and flapped for an hour of high intensity!
Mum shouted lunch – a chicken and salad roll, but with half a custard square and half of some sort of delicious chocolate toasty slice complete with the most glorious marshmallow.
Dinner was a bit better. Roast lamb and veges, but I admit there was some cheese sauce atop of the broccy-cauli segment of the meal.
AND there was pudding (which I haven’t had in ages) – tinned peaches and more icecream.
I do not feel good about this. But I have been good now for a whole two weeks, so today was a bit of a treat. There shall be a walk tomorrow before weigh in and measurements (eeek!). I’m hoping to be minus another kilogram since I have really tried quite hard this week with three water sessions, zumba and some power-housework.
Time will tell.
Also, I thought I should share the following with you – I found it while searching for confessional pictures. Apparently he is some kind of Pope equivalent and I do love his hair!

Portuguese Chicken:
Take 8 chicky drums and roll in the delicious new seasoning pack from Continental! They come complete with roasting bag so there’s not even any hard baked on mess to clean at the end! You’ll find them in the supermarket by the McCormacks slow cooker packets and the Maggi mixes (not the dips but the cook in the pot ensemble).
Easy as and so delicious! We’ve had it a few times now and like it better not done in the bag (so the chicken turns this lovely red colour and is all sticky…. mmmm… sticky chicky….
Off to Zumba tomorrow – must have walked a good couple of k’s today with all the back and forth at work.

Well it was actually more aquacise (aquacize?) again, but I do like the Bamercise advert.
Another session in the water today. Still feeling good. Dad came in for lunch, and I only seagulled one of his hot chips (it was quite odd, I didn’t really want any more than one). I’m noticing my clothes are starting to feel a little bit looser – just a touch, but enough to notice!
Looking forward to dinner tonight – Portuguese chicken (skin removed), roast veges and greens. Yum!
My apologies for no extra post last night. My mum and dad are staying at the moment and there was lots of talking to be done!
Yesterday, after some furious vacuuming and mopping, I went for a swim. Well, perhaps not so much a swim, more of a swim/aquajog/looking like some kind of ungraceful mermaid complete with goggles. Need to find my fins so I can become more like a great white shark (I’ll need to buy one of those fancy caps with the fin on top!)

Morning Chaps!

Sorry, no entry last night, we had some bung internet with the rain and wind of last night. I didn’t manage to go for a walk thanks to the rain, but I did do some extreme housework that was probably the equivalent! I’m off for a swim this morning before work (hence being up at the RIDICULOUS time of 6am!) – more reports tonight!
Thanks everyone also for the posts of support and encouragement 
Good Evening!
Yet another well behaved day – I’m liking the muesli for brekky, then I had soup and toast for lunch, a banana (and a mini muffin!) and just come home for dinner.
Went to Aqua, I was such a machine I have a bit of chafing on my right arm! The speed of it, I tell you!
One week in.
I’ve managed to keep it up. Who would have guessed?!
And here are the results today:
Weight: 127.8kg
Bust: 131cm
Waist: 126cm
Hips: 145cm
Upper Arm: 45.5cm
Thigh: 80cm
So that is a total of 1.4kg gone, and all round 4.5 cm less.
Now, here are some ways of looking at 1.4kg:
A Chihuahua dressed up in some clothes.

These chicken pieces.

A very fancy Swiss Army Knife (imagine what MacGyver could have done if he has THIS!)

This bag of prunes:

Or, this tasty rolled shoulder of lamb:

1.4kg – not too bad for a week of effort!
Next week here I come!
So today I joined the party that is Zumba. Turns out it is great fun, and it doesn’t matter if you are a total un-co!
The class was an hour long, but it went quickly because you’re having such a great, sweaty time. Will definitely be going back next week for more. The instructor is the cutest wee thing from Brazil (just like the advert on TV!), she is great at keeping everyone going the whooooole time. (Zumba must have made me tasty as Tripod has just come in and is sitting at my feet licking my toes).
Had lunch at Chinatown, a Chinese style smorgasboard/trough thing – no overeating and no fried food either.
Looking forward to tomorrow, weigh in day! I will check in tomorrow sometime with week 1 results.
Good evening everyone.
Well, I am into Day Five and all is going well. Today was meant to be swimming day, but I wasn’t able to get in early enough to go as I had some errands to run, and there is no pool space available when I finished work. Never mind, the eating is still going well (I have cut out pretty much all badness!) – I have discovered a yummy Kellogs Museli that keeps me going until about 2pm (with a pirce of fruit snack), and had a garden salad for lunch (no mayo, just a balsamic vinegar dressing). Chicken and veges for dinner – Thanks Alex! I had one Toffee Pop today… oddly enough one was enough, I didn’t feel any need to have a second – helloooooo portion control!
Anywho. I’m going to Zumba tomorrow which is an hour long session, so that should get the blood pumping (rock hard abs of steel here I come) – will report back tomorrow night!
One in the steam room (how the HELL do you drop a log in there!?!) and one in the leisure pool, which means aquarobics was cancelled. So, I have been for two walks at high speed around the shopping centre across from work, and man my thighs are feeling the burn! Tomorrow I will be going to the gym, so will work that little bit harder for today’s upset.
Still trying to work out how a poo can roll out of your togs and into the steam room… and it was a log, not just a marble!!!