This morning I was up at 6.24am to go for a walk. Outside was eerily calm after the high winds of the past few days, and the sun had not quite managed to break over the hills when I set out.
Halfway down the road, the sun peaked out over the hills, and the sky was lovely. Wispy white fingers of cloud licked around the edges of Kopu (the big hill near us). That is, on the sunny side of the road.
On the other side of the road, looking northerly, the sky was painted dark shade of ominous grey with a full double rainbow (like the one pictured below, except bigger).

It looked like rain. It was rain.
At the end of the road, at the furtherest possible place I could be from home, the sky opened. The rain was hard, the wind was, umm, very windy. Rain so cold it was like little needles on my bare arms, and wind cold enough to cut you in half.
All the way home. With no shelter anywhere.
And to make it worse, the house down the road where the tree came down earlier in the week had two big guard dogs. They wee not pleased to see me, walking hurridly home in the rain, and proceeded to growl at me for the length of their fence, about 150m, which is only wire and they could easily jump.
So, as I sit here at the computer, rain is dribbling down my back, my hair is pre-rinsed, and I am cold.
Dawn. Not always all it is cracked up to be.