Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

Just another Blogtown NZ site

Week 8


Hello, my pretties.

Results this week:

Weight: 123.8kg
Bust: 126cm
Waist: 118cm
Hips: 138.5cm
Upper Arm: 44cm
Thigh: 77cm

So that is 700 grams less, and 1cm down. Et, only 1cm, for all the work this week!!

Total loss of 5.7kg.

Must pedal harder!!!

Zumba… with a new person.


Went to Zumba today, and we had the new instructor.

She is very energetic.

I’m not sure if I like this business of learning a whole lot of other moves to the same song (and she has taken my favourite bits away from wakawaka!).

Anyway, still a good hour of a workout. The weather is lovely today and tomorrow, so I think I will go for a walk this evening and then tomorrow.

I have some sins to confess:
– I have eaten two chocolate fish this week. And they were good. All chocolatey and marshmallowey… mmmmm….
– I had macaroni cheese for dinner last night. That too was good. Very good.

I think that is all. I am making up for things now though by having a boysenberry, blueberry and echinacea yogurt and milk smoothie for lunch.


Week 8 Continues


I went for a 2.5km walk on Tuesday, and I did aqua last night. Starting work late today, and because Alex is going camping and needs help organising, no walk today. But I will be walking lots at work today.

We are thinking for week 1, we will try vegetarian pizza – mushrooms, capsicum, onion, herbs, sauce… you get the idea. It better be yummy!

On my own for the next two nights, so will have to find some tasty goodness. I may go prowling at the supermarket tonight on my way home, I need some milk and stuff.

So nothing else fun to report – although I am getting lots of comments at work about “have you lost weight?” – haha, yes, 5kg! I have an appointment at the gym next Wednesday night to get some specific exercises, so then I am thinking I will go to the gym on a Thursday morning for an hour or so before work. Also need to buy a skipping rope.

Meatless Monday


So, we are going to give Meatless Monday a go in our house for a month (much to Alex’s disgust). This is all thanks to Woman’s Health magazine. They gave reasons like cutting down on CO2 emissions and stuff, along with the fact that humans are meant to eat around 36kg of meat per year, while we actually eat around 116kg of meat a year.

If anyone has any deliciously good vegetarian recipes. please post them below!

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Week Eight


Morning chaps.

I went to Aqua last night – new instructor – she was awesome! made us work really hard, new music, so it was really good.

Still eating good, I had Israeli cous cous salad for lunch yesterday (yum!). Thank god there is only two more bran breakfasts left though. The onto Bugs and Mud (thanks Hubbards!) – I checked the side panel of the box, and it’s low in fat, salt and sugar.

I start work early today, so will be going for a walk when I get home tonight, since it will still be light with daylight savings.

by posted under Weightloss | 1 Comment »

Week Seven


Good morning everyone!

I have just weighed in and the results are looking good!

Weight: 124.5kg

Bust: 126cm
Waist: 119cm
Hips: 138.5cm
Upper Arm: 44cm
Thigh: 77cm

So that is 600 grams lost, and overall 4.5cm. I thought today I would compare and see how many cm have come off various places:

Here are my original measurements:

Bust: 133cm
Waist: 126cm
Hips: 147cm
Upper Arm: 46cm
Thigh: 80cm

I have managed to lose:

Bust: 7cm
Waist: 7cm
Hips: 8.5cm
Upper Arm: 2cm
Thigh: 3cm

Well I am pretty pleased about that! Go the hips!

I am going to definitely make an appointment at the gym this week (probably on Wednesday, so I will miss aqua but will have a session in the gym instead) to look at how to better target some specific areas such as my bat wings and things/bum area.

I’ve also made a graph (because I am excited about the results!)

And for those who have not yet done the math, this means I have FINALLY managed to crack the 5kg mark! Yay!!!



Yesterday and today have been TOTALLY awesome!

GDO – Girl’s Day Out

Heidi came over from Hamilton yesterday, we had an excellent night with Thai for dinner, a nice soak at the pools, watched Practical Magic and stayed up way past our bedtimes!

Today we went for a brisk walk, ate poached eggs for brekky, then went and got our hair done (thanks Enjay team!), our nails done (ohmygod they are so so so neat!), I had my eyebrows waxed and tinted – and Mandy the beauty therapist did one “probe” of an electrolysis thingy (more like a needle) to show me what it was likng. Not pleasant, but bearable. Then had Mediterranean for a late lunch.

We both look so good afterwards and have decided to make this a more regular event. As well as just feeling physically good, I think it was great for our mental health with the trials we have both faced lately. It’s nice to be able to take some time out and give yourself a well deserved treat that isn’t just food based.

Weigh in day tomorrow. I have worked quite hard this week so it should be a good result. Next week I will be back into aqua, walking and Zumba.

Thanks Heidi, for such an awesome 24 hours. Love you!!



This morning I was up at 6.24am to go for a walk. Outside was eerily calm after the high winds of the past few days, and the sun had not quite managed to break over the hills when I set out.

Halfway down the road, the sun peaked out over the hills, and the sky was lovely. Wispy white fingers of cloud licked around the edges of Kopu (the big hill near us). That is, on the sunny side of the road.

On the other side of the road, looking northerly, the sky was painted dark shade of ominous grey with a full double rainbow (like the one pictured below, except bigger).

It looked like rain. It was rain.

At the end of the road, at the furtherest possible place I could be from home, the sky opened. The rain was hard, the wind was, umm, very windy. Rain so cold it was like little needles on my bare arms, and wind cold enough to cut you in half.

All the way home. With no shelter anywhere.

And to make it worse, the house down the road where the tree came down earlier in the week had two big guard dogs. They wee not pleased to see me, walking hurridly home in the rain, and proceeded to growl at me for the length of their fence, about 150m, which is only wire and they could easily jump.

So, as I sit here at the computer, rain is dribbling down my back, my hair is pre-rinsed, and I am cold.

Dawn. Not always all it is cracked up to be.



Well, I didn’t make it to aqua tonight, Alex has had a bit of a meltdown and needed a bit of love and support.

I have eaten well today – bran and raspberries for breakfast, a couple of bits of fruit, a ham and egg sandwich and on the naughty side, some sort of delicious chocolatey marshmallowey thing. Just about to go and make dinner (Alex had pizza) – maybe salmon on toast or something.

Tomorrow, weather dependant, I will either go for a walk or a swim, and the same thing on Friday. looking forward to weigh in this week – I better be seeing a better result than last week!



Not my wind, the wind outside. There is LOTS of it – it blew down a big old eucalyptus tree just down the road from us yesterday.

Yesterday I did a big walk around Bayfair, going in all of the shops I never usually visit. I was going to buy some new work pants, but alas they only had long pants (the suppliers of such pants seem to think that as you get more round, you also grow taller, and have these megs long legs. I would need stilts with the length of some of the pants on show yesterday!). Anyway I wanted shorts or 3/4 pants, but they had none. Bring on the new season stuff, I say!

I was a bit naughty and had morning tea, (a date scone and three cups of tea) while reading the magazine I bought, Woman’s Health. It is a really good read, I learnt quite a lot of stuff and they also have these pull out cards for a home workout which I shall be using this weekend. They also had some yummy recipes, which has made me think I will publish a recipe page on here with the yummy things I read about and then cook, so I actually know they are yummy. I will start that as of next week.

I then went for an hour long aquajog before work. So it was quite a good exercise day yesterday.

Today, I set my alarm for 6am, but it was raining and very windy so I went back to sleep. I will be going to aqua tonight.

Thanks to the people visiting from Google – the statistics show I am getting lots of visits from you who are searching about weight loss blogs and stuff!

Will report in later this evening.

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