Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

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I made it to Aquarobics last night. Was a good class. I worked hard. I’m finding myself to be more flexible with some of the exercises which is good.

Eating well – I had salad, salmon and chickpea for lunch yesterday with sweet chili sauce. Was tasty!

Nothing much else to report – just finding out if I am being taken to work early and walking around Bayfair, or if I will walk down the road and back. I am hoping for Bayfair as it is VERY windy outside!

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Week Six – Fin


Hi everyone.

Week 6 has now come to and end. I have completed two aqua classes, a 2.5km and 1.5km walk and a Zumba class. I have also discovered Bran Flakes are much much much nicer when disguised with yogurt or fruit.

Weight: 125.1kg

Bust: 127cm
Waist: 119cm
Hips: 142cm
Upper Arm: 44cm
Thigh: 77cm

Which means a gain of 100 grams (however the scales may not be too good this week as they have suffered a case of cat wees – good one, Tripod), so hopefully once they dry out they may give me a better number. (Edit: First this this morning it was 400 grams gain, but I have re-weighed and it is not only 100 grams which is better!)

Measurement wise though, I have lost 7cm this week which means a 23cm loss all over (yay!).

This week I have noticed my thighs are feeling a bit smaller – even though it is only a 1cm loss, that measurement is from the widest part of my thigh and I think they are getting skinnier from the bottom up.

As a treat yesterday Alex and I went to the movies and I did have some popcorn, a fizzy drink and a chocolate coated icecream – that has been my only real treat for the last few weeks so indulge I did. So maybe that accounts for the weight gain.

I will do a mid week weigh in and see how things are going.

Next week: Week 7 – I am going to do two aqua classes and at least three walks, plus I would like to get some swimming in on Thursday and Friday. No Zumba as Misty and I are having a Girls Day Out (only 7 sleeps to go!) and we will be having our hair cut at Zumba time. Need to find my flippers so I can zoom up and down the lanes!



I have braved the rain and horizontal wind to go out to Zumba. Great to be back into it! We did a couple of new songs today which was fun.

Bad news on the Zumba front though, the instructor is going back to Brazil until December (last class with her next week). Fingers and legs crossed that they hook us up with another instructor!

Weigh in tomorrow… eeek!

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And Walk I Did…


Good morning!

I have been for about a 1.5km walk this morning (I got up at 6.30am, got the washing in because it was spitting and then went walking) – only got just over halfway as it started raining quite hard (admittedly though I did have a jacket, hat and mittens on). I have also discovered a place where I can forage for free cow manure for the vege garden. Helloooo mega pumpkins!

I am having bran flakes again this morning, as I type. Today I have some strawberry yoghurt with them, makes them slightly more edible.

Bat Flaps Be Gone!


Good evening Chaps.

I have been to a hard aqua class tonight – I got stuck with the larger dumbell things so had to work twice as hard (not a bad thing, I guess). So that was an hour of workoutyness. My bat flaps best be making themselves scarce after that!

Tomorrow morning I am planning on getting up at 6.30am (yes, that’s right Mum, 6.30am!) and going for a walk to the end of the road and back before an early start at work. Good times ahead!

Bran Flakes and Sultanas


Doth not make a very nice breakfast!



Day two into week six and still going good. I did a 2.5km walk today. Still coughing a little bit.

I will go to aqua tomorrow night, and then Thursday and Friday it sort of goes a bit bung as I am starting work a bit early which isn’t conducive to swimming or anything in the mornings. May have to think about getting up earlier and going for a walk. We shall see!

Week Six


Week six has started with a hiss and a roar. Good eating and an aqua session. I will be going for a walk tomorrow morning before work.

Feeling much better this week, still coughing (I had a weird dream this morning, I was at some sort of Asian market in the middle of a lush paddock and they had little fruity cupcakes, and just as I was leaning over to buy one I started coughing in my dream, and then woke up coughing. Annoying, I want to know if the cupcakes, in their perfect little paper wrapping, tasted as good as they looked!) but nowhere near as much as last week.

Onwards and upwards! Incidentally, I have just calculated I have lost 3.5% of my original starting weight. Another fun way to measure!

Week Five


Week five has come to a sticky end – just as well! I am getting tired of the 3am starts with so much coughing. Last night however was the first night I have slept through in almost two weeks (yay!). Still a bit of coughing this morning though.

Results – there has been no change since week 4, however I am pleased with this as I have managed to maintain it, even with fish and chips one night for dinner :D

So that is all. Next week I think I will get back into a couple of aqua classes and Zumba.

And so the phlegm lessens


Good morning sunshines!

I’m starting to feel a little better today – up at 3am again coughing, but managed to get back to sleep and this morning there hasn’t been so much stuff come up. Hoping to feel well enough on Saturday to do Zumba!

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