Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

Just another Blogtown NZ site

Week 14


Good morning my pretties.

I have been for a 2.5km walk. Time – exactly 30 mins.

Last night we had spag bol for dinner (with extra veges) – I had wholemeal spag and it was surprisingly good!

Right now I am having some new Hubbards “Real” cereal – real flakes of wholegrains and stuff. Quite nice, I have it with two sliced strawberries and milk.

Balance tonight after work, and then I need to work out a way to make speedy dinner as I have a gingerbread house to construct!

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Week 13 – End!


Hi Chaps!

Weight: 123.1kg
Bust: 122cm
Waist: 113cm
Hips: 134cm
Upper Arm: 48cm
Thigh: 71cm

That’s a 400g loss, taking the total to 6.4kg. And 8cm gone. I can flex my abs and make myself “quite skinny” now. Haha!

I’m on track for 10kg by Christmas – with the shock of changing the routine I am thinking there will be greater results next week.

I’m also going potato free (which I am not pleased about), limiting bread intake (and only using Molemburg low calorie sort), and no pasta (unless it is wholemeal). I’ll be trialling this for two weeks and seeing how it goes. I will do a food diary every day so you can see the… err… progress.

Anyway, I am pleased with this week as it’s been quite tough.

Goodbye, Favourite Zumba Instructor…


I hope you have a safe flight back to Brazil and come back to us safe and sound in the new year. Meanwhile, we have some people from Te Zumba bringing us their homie music. They better be awesome! I can’t wait for Michelle (and Carla) to come back from Brazil and re-Zumba us all!

This week has been quite intense, I did an hour workout at the gym on Friday morning and boy did I sweat! Today I did balance and Zumba, and again, lots of sweat.

There has been a breakthrough though.

I. Have. Abs. Like, seriously, I tense them and you can feel them! First time in my life, ahahah, I actually have abs. Once The Fat goes, I should actually be quite toned.

Anywho, weigh in tomorrow. I hope it is a good result since I’ve done aqua, walking, the gym, aquazumba, balance and real Zumba. We are going out to the Fairhaven Gala tonight which has a great fireworks display, and there will be eating of Hangi (including steamed pudding and custard). Yum!

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Aquazumba was great! Makes you work quite hard.

To the gym tomorrow morning (which means a 6.30am start. Not pleased about that!).

More tomorrow.

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Week 13 Continues


I have had my appointment at the gym. It was good. I have about 10 different things to do (like a circuit), twice. Becky and I also made a weekly plan:

Mondays – Walk in the morning, Balance at 6.30pm
Tuesdays – Gym
Wednesdays – Walk and Aqua
Thursdays – AquaZumba
Fridays – Gym
Saturdays – Balance and Zumba
Sundays – Day of Rest or recovery walk

Apparently if you do the same thing for too long (like how I have settled into a rhythm of Aqua, walk, aqua, etc) your body gets used to it and you stop losing weight (like I have). So we are mixing it up a bit with lots of different things, and then in another couple of months I will change it again.

Mum also sent me some stuff on insulin resistance. Interesting reading, I am going to try for no “white” stuff, like bread, potatoes, pasta etc – will change potato for kumara and pumpkin, maybe a little wholemeal pasta, brown rice, and Molemburg bread which is the low calorie stuff we have anyway. I’ll try it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes.

Food Diary for Today:
Breakfast – 2 slices low calorie toast with hummus
Snack – 1 Pear
Lunch – leftover dinner (a bit of pasta and some diced lamb with sun dried tomato pesto)
Snack – Apple
Dinner – 1 x chicken drum/thigh, a couple of bits of dry roasted potato, carrots and peas.

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Week 13


Good Evening.

Monday has started on a good note. I was up at 7.12am and went for a 2.5km walk, and then did aqua tonight.

Tomorrow I will get up again, and go for another walk.

Food diary (as Mum suggested):
2 slices Molemburg toast with tomato hummus
1 Pear
1 handful of almonds
1 pineapple and little bit of cheese toasted sandwich
1/2c yogurt
1 lamb shank
1 small potato
1 carrot
some peas
and a small serve of choccy mousse (yum!).

More fruit required!!

Week 12 – End


Hi everyone.

Sorry about the lack of posting this week, it has been pretty non eventful.

This week I did LOTS of work outside in the garden, a couple of walks, Zumba and Balance. So not too athletic.

Weight: 123.5kg
Bust: 124cm
Waist: 115cm
Hips: 137cm
Upper Arm: 44cm
Thigh: 71cm

No change to last week. Which is okay. I have managed to maintain things, but it does go to show what the extra exercise does!

I do have a couple of sins to confess. I did consume a couple of choccy fish (and they were so good too), and I did some baking for Alex and made chocolate chip biscuits, and I did eat a few of them too. Back on the wagon next week!

I have a new goal – I would like to lose a total of 10kg by Christmas. I figure since I have been losing an average of 500g per week this is a realistic goal. More would be good, but my track record is not so good (bring back those first couple of weeks where the weight just melted off!).

Next week I am resetting my routine. I will be getting up at 7am to go for a walk – I may need to sleep in my clothes so I actually do get up (and then doing half an hour of cleaning after that), and then I will be doing some extras after work, e.g Aquarobics. I am also trying out AquaZumba on Thursday morning. And I will also be trying to find my flippers so I can do some pool zooming. I also have an appointment at the gym on Wednesday night to look at doing some targeted exercises (e.g. my bat wing arms). 10kg here I come!!

And now, a recipe for delicious Bran Muffins:

2c bran
1 c plain flour
2t baking powder
1t baking soda
1t cinnamon
1t mixed spice
3/4c lite condensed milk
1/2c warm water
1 egg, beaten
2T golden syrup
3 apples, grated
1/2c sultanas

Preheat oven to 200degC. Prepare muffin tins (this makes 12).

In a bowl, put bran, flour, baking powder and soda, cinnamon and spice. Stir. Add sultanas. Stir. Make a well in the middle.

In another small bowl, put in condensed milk, water, egg and golden syrup. Stir to combine. Pour into bran mixture, and add in grated apple. Stir to just combine, place in muffin tray and bake for about 15 minutes, until lovely and golden.


Week 12


Well, who would have believed I have kept this up for 3 months!!

This week is so far going alright, I didn’t do Vive on Monday, I worked in the garden and picked up rubbish (7 whole bags!). Yesterday I went for a 2.5km walk. Today I am going to aquarobics.

On Monday I made some yummy bran muffins. I will share the recipe soon (as soon as I find the tin it came on). They are good and healthy, no sugar, no butter or oil, just deliciousness!

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And now, an announcement from my Father.


Week 11 comes to a close…


It’s been a very busy week this week. I have done the most exercise this week – an aqua class, a 2.5km walk, a 5km walk, an hour swim/aquajog, a Body Balance AND a Zumba class on the same day, and today I have done a long walk at the markets. And I need to work out how to adjust the length of the skipping rope so the bearings work properly – I tried some skipping and just about killed myself with the too-long-rope.

So, the measurements this week:

Weight: 123.5kg
Bust: 124cm
Waist: 115cm
Hips: 137cm
Upper Arm: 44cm
Thigh: 71cm

So for ALL of that work, I have only lost a measly 400 grams!! And there is no difference with the meaurements! I’m actually QUITE annoyed about this as I have worked really, really hard and eaten so well. Grrrr!

Dad: 43.1%, so that is .2% down from last week.

This week though does mark a milestone – I have lost 6kg! I can’t find anything fun that looks like 6kg, so just imagine 12 packets of butter.

This is enough motivation to keep me on track for next week. I am planning on going to BodyVive and Aqua tomorrow (one after the other), and then we shall see from there.

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