Hello Chaps.
You will all be pleased to know that I can hardly walk right now, after doing an hour session of Balance and an hour of Zumba.
I have never sweated like I sweated today!
The results better show up this week, I tell you!
Today has been neat, I got up early and went for an hour swim/aquajog. And tomorrow I am meeting SJ from work to go to Body Balance (a pilates/yoga type class), followed by Zumba.
The skipping rope arrived today – thanks Mum! So I will be getting up earlier each morning to do some skipping. Weee!
This week BETTER yeild good results, I have worked hard!!
Good evening all.
I have just done the Breast Cancer 4.5km walk (it would be more like 5.5km with the walking back to the car) with some girls from work. Very fun, I had some DANGEROUS boobies (thanks to my laminated paper cones) that kept poking various people. Some people had gone to a whole lot of effort for their costumes – although ours weren’t too bad since we only planned this today and had lunchtime to make our costumes. Next year we will be far more organised!
Tomorrow I am starting work early, but will take my togs and go for a swim after work if the pool isn’t too busy.
Then there is only Friday, and then there is Zumba! Back on track!
And Dad – thanks for the article, though I am now so healthy I have been buying the magazine it came out of 
Done and dusted.
Tomorrow is aqua day, however I am going to go for a walk tomorrow morning (I might even get up at 6.30am!) – but tonight is a late one at work so we will see. It might have to be a 7am start instead.
Feeling a little better each day and am looking forward to getting the skipping rope! Cardio here I come!
I have been to aquarobics. Good workout. My arms hurt.
I forgot it was Monday however – it is meant to be meatless Monday, but we had meat pie with veges instead. Whoops! Tomorrow will be meatless.
Thanks Mum finding a skipping rope – I will use it lots of times a day!!
Hello One and All.
I apologise for there not being many updates this week, for I have been sick (again). Some sort of nasty head/chest cold. Which, annoyingly, happened to strike on my week of holiday – a week I had such grand plans for!
I have not expected any great results this week. Monday I managed BodyVive, Tuesday I went for an Aquajog, Wednesday through Friday were out with sickness. Yesterday we went to Heather and Bernie’s (Alex’s parents) out at Tanner’s Point. I kayaked out the longline (only got one sprat), then we put the line out again from a different spot, which involved much walking up and down steps as well as walking up and down the beach. So I haven’t done too much in the way of exercise this week.
Weight: 123.9kg
Bust: 124cm
Waist: 115cm
Hips: 137cm
Upper Arm: 44cm
Thigh: 71cm
The only difference this week is 1cm from my thigh. Not too upset about this, but it does go to show what a difference high intensity workouts (e.g. Zumba) do for you.
At Dad’s request, here is my fat percentage: 43.3% (thanks, magical scales).
Tomorrow I am back at work, and back into aquarobics. This week just gone I was hoping to get into a better routine for exercise, with a walk in the mornings, but it hasn’t happened, so I am thinking if the rain stays away I will get up earlier and go fr a morning walk, and then do something in the evenings (e.g. Aquarobics, gym). We shall see.
Was actually a really good class… I sweated like I have never sweated before!
Today Alex and I are going for an aquajog (and a shower, apparently our pump is a bit bung, being fixed in a couple of days, but in the meanwhile we have to take it easy on the water).
Tomorrow I am planning on doing BodyVive and Zumba one after the other. I say planning on because last night I started to feel a bit off and this morning I have a headache, blocked nose, sore throat (grrr!) – just what I needed for the holiday!
Last night was Meatless Monday. We had a green salad (with veges from the garden!) and an omlette with mushroom, onion, a little bit of potato and a touch of cheese. Was yummy!
Week Nine has been alright. I did one aqua class, a walk and a Zumba class (which we didn’t have our instructor, it was someone new and it was all quite ghetto). And I did cave to a chocolate fish.
Results this week:
Weight: 123.9kg
Bust: 124cm
Waist: 115cm
Hips: 137cm
Upper Arm: 44cm
Thigh: 76cm
So that us a 100g gain. But! It is a 7.5cm loss (mostly around my waist). So I am happy with that. As they say, the muscle gain doesn’t show on the scales.
Week Ten is going to be better, starting tomorrow I am planning on going for a walk every morning, and then for some days I will go to the gym and do a class. The weather is meant to be really good, so we are planning on getting out and doing some fishing.
Speaking of food. We have all seen the horrors that the chicken we buy is housed in (thanks to Jamie Oliver and River Cottage).

Yesterday at the supermarket, we purchased a free range chicken as it was less than half price, and oh my goodness, you would not believe the taste difference.

It actually had flavour. And some differet texture. And it for a size 13 chook it took close to two hours to cook. But it was so delicious. Now, most of us can’t afford to spend $15+ dollars on a whole chicken, but if you do see them on special, they are really worth having a go at. Plus you get warm fuzzies since the chicken on your plate was not intensively farmed, it was in a paddock doing chicken things.
Morning everyone.
Sorry, there hasn’t been much to report over the last couple of days. I am going to Zumba this morning, then this afternoon will be entering into Spring Cleaning mode, so will work off some more then.
I am planning on going for walks next week, in the mornings (I have a week of leave, yay!), and then some days going to the gym to do classes I wouldn’t usually (e.g. BodyVive). The weather is meant to be great so I will also be working outside, getting the vege garden going and doing a general clean up.
Shopping today too (talk about busy!), so will be still buying healthy.
Weigh in tomorrow, not sure how it is going to go. I have been eating well this week, but I did slip up with a chocolate fish and three chocolate Krispie biscuits. They were good. Am going to have to Zumba very hard to get rid of them though!!
Hello everyone.
Week nine has been good to date.
Monday: Went to Aqua and did some furiousness. We had vegetarian pizza for dinner (Meatless Monday strikes!) which we agreed was quite good. Bit weird without any meat, but we would have it again.
Tuesday: 2.5km walk, plus healthy eating.
Tonight (Wednesday) – I have had to cancel my gym appointment as I have been invited to a memorial for Sam (a girl who died at Easter this year) – today would be her 16th birthday so I think for her Mum’s sake I should go. If I went after the gym I would be in no way functioning tomorrow for work.
I get next week off (yay!), and an going to take the opportunity to do some gym classes I can’t done before. And on Wednesday next week I might do two classes in a row. Eeek!