Kristina's Weightloss Blog Of Glory

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Bronchitis Ahoy!


I have bronchitis.


That is all I have to say.

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Week 4


This week has not been very good, due to sickness. I have tried to eat a more balanced diet, keeping in mind that not a low of energy is being exerted (except during coughing – man my abs hurt!).

I am still pleased to report a loss this week!

Weight: 125.0kg
Bust: 130cm
Waist: 122cm
Hips: 142cm
Upper Arm: 44cm
Thigh: 78cm

Weekly Total: 400 grams gone, and 2 cm less.
This works out to a total of 4.5kg gone, and all round 16 cm less.

I am happy to have kept on the downward trend – 400 grams still ads to the grand total. Hopefully this week I will start to feel more human (and my voice will come back!) and can resume the normal routine. I actually miss doing things and am a bit frustrated that I am not able to go and do Zumba etc. May have to go to the doctor and get some antibiotics – will see how I do this week.

And now I have a graph, which I will update once a month:

Neat fun!

Abs of Steel


Hi everyone.

I’m feeling a bit better today – did a half day at work yesterday and am planning on a full day today.

So today I can’t stop coughing (not even a bit of Drambuie can stop it!). My newfound abs are working so hard they have got me into a sweat, so by the end of all of the coughing I should have abs of steel!

This won’t be a Zumba body, it will be a flu body!

Speaking of, I don’t think I will be going to Zumba tomorrow, I don’t want to spread my bugs (that’s where I think I picked this up from, a guy who came to Zumba coughing over everyone). So this week probably won’t crack the 5kg mark. Grrr!

Oh, the Phlegm…


Morning everyone.

Turns out I was coming down with something, so there has been no exercise this week apart from Monday. Feeling a little better today with less of a headache, so off to work and will see how I go.

Grr, just when I was getting into the groove of it all!

Speed Wobbles Strike Again!


Hello everyone.

I have two nice speed marks on my upper arms again – I must be about to set my togs on fire with the rate of today’s aqua class! We had the Steamers (a rugby team) join us today for a frolic in the pool which was a bit different.

Feeling a bit off today with a sore throat, headache and sore joints, hope I’m not coming down with anything….

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Week Three – End


Week three has come to a very cold, wet, hailing, thunder-and-lightning end!

This week I managed two aquarobic classes, one Zumba class and a 3km walk. Feeling good. And good news, no more muffintop on the jeans! Yes! Actually I have noticed all round my clothes are feeling looser – I will need to buy some new work pants in the next couple of weeks.

Food – I have been very good an noted in an earlier post. I did have half of a small KitKat bar (shared with Alex) yesterday which was very nice, but didn’t leave me wanting more. Tonight for dinner we have wholemeal buns with home made meat patties, salad stuff (some home grown)

Now, down to the nuts and bolts:

Weight: 125.4kg
Bust: 130cm
Waist: 122cm
Hips: 143cm
Upper Arm: 44cm
Thigh: 79cm

Weekly Total: 1.1kg gone, and 4 cm less.
This works out to a total of 4.1kg gone, and all round 14 cm less.

I’m hoping to crack the 5kg mark at the end of next week!

I made note in my first post I would review at the end of August, and sort of have. Ultimately I would like to get to around 70kg, which means a total loss of 60kg (holy smoke, that’s like a whole person!), but for the moment I am going to break it down into smaller, achievable chunks that will keep me motivated. Like next week, 5kg. After that, I will be looking for another 5kg, total of 10. After that, another 10, and so on. Need to work out some sort of non food based treat that is cheap – any ideas, please comment!

Carrot Sticks and Corn Thins


And almonds. And ham with salad sandwiches. Muesli. Porridge with banana and skinny milk. Lots of water.

No lollies or cake or chocolate or chips or anything too naughty this week! In fact the worst thing has been a chocolate chip biscuit (just the one) with a hot chocolate last night.

Eating more wisely is getting easier. And considering that it’s easy to go and buy a $2 choccy bar from the cafe at work, that’s not an easy thing to say! I like sweet things though, and I think having a hot chocolate before bed is squashing out the other cravings for food from the Dark Side.

I do miss such things as M and M’s though (but, did you know, to burn off the energy from one chocolate MnM, you need to walk the distance of a football field? Which thanks to Google is about 95 metres long. Thanks Misty!). Not as much as I thought. I was thinking maybe my treat this week would be a small bag of them, but not if I have to walk almost 5km to burn them off! I don’t think so!

I will just have to have some eye candy instead.

Dr Jones, Dr Jones, Calling Dr Jones…


Why oh why must I be subjected to such tunes from the 1990’s as Dr Jones, Barbie Girl and Candy Man during aquarobics classes. This is now two different instructors BOTH with the same music (don’t get me wrong, LOVE the classes, just not the same music!).

So yes, went to aqua last night, and am feeling the burn today! I must admit last night I thought the workout wasn’t as brutal as usual – turns out it was! My legs are feeling a bit stiff today, and so are my batflaps!

Alex noted last night that my bum is getting smaller, along with my puku (which is good!). Looking forward to Zumba this Saturday. Ooh I heard last night from a lady that they might do a Zumba class in the water. What fun that would be!

Week Three…


Hello, me legion of royal fans!

Nothing fun to report today. I went to Aquarobics last night, and got some speedrash again (actually I think it might be a bit of chlorine rash). I didn’t manage to go for a walk today (Grandma and Grandad popped in for a cup of tea), but back on the wagon tomorrow at aquarobics. I’m also going to make an appointment at the gym and get a bit of guidance about which machines to use, and then I can go and use some stuff properly. Neat fun!

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Week Two Update


Here we go!

Weight: 126.5kg
Bust: 130cm
Waist: 124cm
Hips: 143.5cm
Upper Arm: 45.5cm
Thigh: 79cm

Weekly Total: 1.6kg gone, and 5.5cm less,
So that is a total of 3kg gone, and all round 10 cm less.

Here is what 1.6kg looks like:

This fish (complete with a man with mannequin hair!):

This tasty looking roast chicken:

Take that, August target!!!

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